What’s a game without a score? Boring!
Luckily, adding scoring to our game is a piece of cake. We just count the number of moves that Platty survives.
For this, we need another global variable:
int tileSize = 20; int score = 0;
Then in the collision check, we increment the score:
score ++; if(notFighting == 0) { ...
and lastly, we display score in drawBackground():
void drawBackground() { fill(174, 204, 27); rect(0, 0, width, height); fill(0); textAlign(LEFT, TOP); textSize(20); text("Scrore: "+score, 2, 2); }
That’s it. Can you beat my high score?
That’s it. Complete game in 210 lines of code.
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Tagged: Game, Games, Processing